Jenner studied philosophy, indology and sinology in Hamburg, later in Munich, Paris and Rome. Previously admitted to the “Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes”. After completing his doctorate in indology, he studied sociology in Munich and London, also with the support of the “Studienstiftung”.
He then worked for the Ecole Française d’Extrème Orient in Kyoto, Japan, and, later, as Coordinator for South Asian Research at the University of Heidelberg. After a one year’s stage as a Lecturer for German Culture and Language at Tohoku University Sendai, Japan, he was Assistant of Indology at the Free University, Berlin.
Since 1979 he ist married with the sculptress Anna Jenner living in Austria, Puch / Graz, where he works as a freelance writer.

Biography in greater detail:
1942: born in Hamburg-Altona. Grandson of the Hamburg painter Julius von Ehren.
1962: Abitur at the Humanistic Gymnasium “Christianeum” in Hamburg-Othmarschen.
1962-3: Studies of Philosophy and Indology (Prof. Alsdorf). Having learned Sanskrit all on his own to such a degree that he was able to join 3-year students when entering university, he was awarded a scholarship of the renowned “Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes” for the following eight years.
1963: Three-month study trip to India.
1963-4: Studies of Philosophy and Indology (Prof. Hacker) at the University of Bonn.
1964-5: One-year studies in Paris at the Sorbonne (Prof. Renou and Filliozat).
1965: One-year studies at the University of Rome (Prof. Gnoli). Study of Sinology with Prof. Lanciotti.
1966-8: Studies of Indology, Sinology and Japanology (Prof. Alsdorf, Prof. Benl) in Hamburg.
1968: Doctorate for a “very good” thesis on “Indian poetics from Bhamaha to Mammata” (Die poetischen Figuren der Inder von Bhamaha bis Mammata).
From 1968: Asia-related cultural studies (these too supported by the “Studienstiftung”).
1969: Several months stay in Kyoto, Japan.
1969: Summer semester at the University of Munich. Studies in sociology (Prof. Francis and Bolte) and japanology (Prof. Naumann).
1969-70: Winter semester at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, postgraduate studies with Prof. Beasley.
1.7.1970-28.2.71: Employed as assistant to the Hobogirin in Kyoto (Ecole Française d`Extrême Orient).
Until the end of 1972: Coordinator for South Asia Research at the University of Heidelberg.
1.4.1973-28.2.75: Lecturer for German Culture and Language at Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (due to the mediation of the philosopher Prof. K. Löwith).
1.4.1975-1981: Assistant for Indology at the Freie Universität Berlin.
1981: Submission of a postdoctoral work in linguistics, which was rejected for formal reasons. See Linguistics
Since 1982: Jenner moves to Austria (Puch / Weiz) where he initially works as a translator and interpreter for Japanese and as a bronze founder before starting a new carrier as a writer.
He is married to the sculptor Anna Jenner and has three children:
Vincent Jenner, Barbara Jenner, Igmar Jenner.