For a serious thinker it is not advisable to talk about „the nature“ of man, because such statements almost always turn out to be speculative, mostly they only reveal the nature of the daring author. I will, nevertheless, begin with two sentences that aim at doing just that: to say something about basic human aspirations. I expect that the following statements will support my statement.
Kategorie: Philosophy
Brave New Corona World – A heated Debate between Steven Pinker and Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley: Did I not make sufficiently clear what I think about principled optimists and ideological perfectionism when I wrote a masterpiece of world literature on the subject? Don’t believe that a man of the mind ever takes leave of thinking and simply retires. Instead I’m anxiously following what you’re doing down there – and certainly that gives me no rest. Coronavirus is only one among many threatening forebodings. Homo sapiens insapientissimus seems to do everything in his power in order to put himself on the red list of species without a future. And you don’t even know what you are doing! *0*
Brave New Corona World – A heated Debate between Steven Pinker and Aldous Huxley weiterlesen
Jenner on Jenner: Outline of a mind-related biography
As human beings we are controlled by emotions and by our intellect – at any time both are invariably involved, even if it sometimes seems as if we are dealing with either purely emotional people or pure intellectuals. A mathematic formula, for example, which to an average person may seem as cold, lifeless and repellent as a prison wall, may produce enchantment and ecstasy in a mathematician who perceives it something extremely beautiful and elegant. In other words, he experiences much the same feelings as a musician who is playing Mozart or Bach. Feelings and the intellect don’t present themselves to us with an either-or, but we may definitely speak of prevailing tendencies.
Jenner on Jenner: Outline of a mind-related biography weiterlesen
Socrates versus Minsky – can Artificial Intelligence replace the Human Brain?
Let’s get away from the disturbing problems of the present, in order to turn back to those much more basic and lasting ones which concern the nature of man. Mr. Marvin Minsky, you were the leading authority on Artificial Intelligence, glad to meet you in paradise!
Socrates versus Minsky – can Artificial Intelligence replace the Human Brain? weiterlesen
De gustibus EST disputandum!
An important, perhaps the most important, task of a good teacher is to dissuade students from making hasty judgments, for it is with this craving that we come into the world, while on the contrary reason only develops very slowly. Infants immediately start crying when they feel unwell and they smile when being treated kindly. But the vocabulary of pubescent young people still contains mainly expressions like super, cool, great or negative ones like poo, disgusting, evil etc. The aversion to independent thinking and the tendency to replace arguments with hasty values and judgments remains in later life – for many people throughout their lives.
The Technician and the Poet – ferocious arguments, half-hearted reconciliation
Technician are used to thinking, poets also give free reign to feelings, sometimes they only express their feelings without caring much about thinking. The Technician and the Poet – ferocious arguments, half-hearted reconciliation weiterlesen
The Hallpike Paper – Universal and Generative grammar – a trend-setting idea or a mental straitjacket?
It is Noam Chomsky’s merit to have significantly influenced (if not created) a prominent area of modern linguistics by asking the right questions. The Hallpike Paper – Universal and Generative grammar – a trend-setting idea or a mental straitjacket? weiterlesen
Psycholinguist Steven Pinker: How a great scientist turned into an enemy of himself – and of truth
Steven Pinker’s book „The Language Instinct“ is certainly still one of the best books ever written on the rather elusive subject of language: comprehensive in its wealth of facts, intelligent in its argumentation and fascinating in the refreshing wealth of ideas. Psycholinguist Steven Pinker: How a great scientist turned into an enemy of himself – and of truth weiterlesen
Did the Nazis have a conscience?
… the existence of a universal human conscience may be demonstrated even on a more elementary level, namely in the vilification of other humans, a practice that has undergone little or no change at all since the beginnings of human history up to the present day. Did the Nazis have a conscience? weiterlesen
Hitler, Arendt, Hoffer: Or: The Genius as Proletarian
He could have been a typical representative of the proletariat, for in his life he never got beyond casual work as a harvest worker and longshoreman and, in his youth, had not even been able to attend school. Hitler, Arendt, Hoffer: Or: The Genius as Proletarian weiterlesen
From Jean-Jacques Rousseau to Pankaj Mishra – all those one-eyed judgments of history
Again and again the interpretation of history has been seduced by naive humanism, because the latter represents the voice of conscience without any ifs or buts. The castles in the air thus created are full of charm as they embody the noble ideal in the face of a reality which lacks such perfection. From Jean-Jacques Rousseau to Pankaj Mishra – all those one-eyed judgments of history weiterlesen
Those crazy Germans
They love ideals more than reality – perhaps because in actual reality you have to come to terms with stubborn facts, while you may easily settle with your ideals in any cloud cuckoo land. Those crazy Germans weiterlesen