Wohin will Klaus von Dohnanyi Deutschland führen?

(Ich habe den Aufsatz an einige jener Autoren versandt, die von Dohnanyi in seinem Buch „Nationale Interessen“ zitiert)

Die folgenden Gedanken sind das Ergebnis der Lektüre zweier Bücher eines sehr klugen, hervorragend informierten und erfahrenen deutschen Politikers, des ehemaligen Hamburger Bürgermeisters und späteren Bundesminister für Bildung und Wissenschaft Klaus von Dohnanyi, der trotz immenser Belesenheit, trotz eines fast immer bemerkenswert ausgewogenen Urteils gleichwohl beim Bündnis Sarah Wagenknecht (BSW) eine späte politische Heimat fand – einer Partei, die mehr als nur US-kritisch ist, während sie Putin und sein Regime mit Samthandschuhen behandelt. Wie kann sich ein kluger Mann derart verirren?

Wohin will Klaus von Dohnanyi Deutschland führen? weiterlesen

Can we still be saved?

Confronted with such a question, the critical reader will think of several counter-questions. Who is meant by „we“? From “what” are we meant to be saved? And “who” dares to ask such a curious question? Can we still be saved? weiterlesen

All against all: the cyberwar against truth and reason

(section taken from my yet unpublished new book »Homo Faber – what holodoxy tells us about the future of man«)

Hardly any thinking person today would still claim that the „progress“ of weapons technology makes the world a better let alone safer place, but this was precisely the prediction made with regard to the internet and the social media. The interconnectedness of all with all appeared to its creators as a promise of worldwide dissemination of truth and knowledge. The fact that everyone could now express their opinions and that these could, in prin­ciple, be heard by everyone else on the globe was even hailed as the dawn of a new global democracy.

All against all: the cyberwar against truth and reason weiterlesen

Technópolis – the promise of eternal bliss

For the longest time in our history, we Europeans believed that the devil would only grant us a miserable existence in this vale of tears. Real happiness for man only existed in a paradise up somewhere in heaven. In the seventeenth century, however, the Enlightenment set in. It taught us that we only had to become reasonable, then nothing would prevent us from realizing paradise here and now.

Technópolis – the promise of eternal bliss weiterlesen

Some rather aberrant reflections about schoolyards, wars, NATO, Russia, and China

Not only scientists, but all people are constantly searching for causes to explain the course of their own lives and that of the world in general. This need becomes particularly strong when death and life are at stake. War makes each of us an explorer of primary causes. Some rather aberrant reflections about schoolyards, wars, NATO, Russia, and China weiterlesen

Germany – a Banana Republic?

The critics of representative democracy suspect it of disenfranchising voters because they are prevented from voting directly on legislative proposals. This accusation ignores social reality, which has changed fundamentally since ancient Greece and the Germanic Thing, where free men (women were still excluded) decided on war and peace and many other basic concerns. Modern society has become so complex that most decisions require technical expertise that can only be provided by specialists. Germany – a Banana Republic? weiterlesen

The Verdikt

The ruling against oil company Shell, forcing it to reduce CO2 emissions by 45% by 2030, is a landmark – the dawn of a new era. For the first time, the fate of a major corporation is no longer exclusively in its own hands, nor ruled by government regulations; instead, it is civil society that determines its freedom of action. The Verdikt weiterlesen

Future – God’s eighth Day of Creation?

When studying and trying to understand the past, we always do so in order to cope with the present and be better equipped for the future – that’s a truism. But our endeavors become difficult when the past provides us with contradictory signals so that the future turns into mystery. Then it can happen that our certainties waver and we look for completely new orientations and even concepts. Future – God’s eighth Day of Creation? weiterlesen

Yes, we can – No, we must! Build a better, sustainable World

When contemporaries talk about the dark years of Nazi rule, they want to make us believe, consciously or not, that they themselves would have been immune to the poison of inhuman propaganda. The fact is, however, that about 99 percent of Germans did not openly resist the regime, and a large part of them were eager to clap their hands at the big parades. Yes, we can – No, we must! Build a better, sustainable World weiterlesen

Jenner on Jenner: Outline of a mind-related biography

As human beings we are controlled by emotions and by our intellect – at any time both are invariably involved, even if it sometimes seems as if we are dealing with either purely emotional people or pure intellectuals. A mathematic formula, for example, which to an average person may seem as cold, lifeless and repellent as a prison wall, may produce enchantment and ecstasy in a mathematician who perceives it something extremely beautiful and elegant. In other words, he experiences much the same feelings as a musician who is playing Mozart or Bach. Feelings and the intellect don’t present themselves to us with an either-or, but we may definitely speak of prevailing tendencies.

Jenner on Jenner: Outline of a mind-related biography weiterlesen

The Virus in our Heads

Almost daily I watch one or the other transmission of the Russian-speaking channel 1TVRUS, because I want to know about the mood of our largest neighbor. The English-language programs of RT (Russia Today) are less informative in this respect, because they are geared towards Western expectations. „Vremja pokazhet“ (Time will tell) is aimed at a Russian audience. It’s a talk show that’s louder and wilder than any other I know. Regularly discussants shout down each other, as if the volume of their voices were decisive for the quality of opinions.

The Virus in our Heads weiterlesen

Is Democracy still alive?

We are used to measuring this form of government above all by the degree of freedom that a government grants its citizens. Viewed from this perspective, the picture is as bright as it is gloomy. No one prevents me from expressing even the most absurd opinions. I may even call publicly for the overthrow of the government, provided that this is done without insulting specific individuals and without denouncing the democratic constitution as such. Is Democracy still alive? weiterlesen