No more immediate, no more elementary private property can be thought of than that which constitutes my own body. If I am put in chains, imprisoned, or my normal sphere of activity severely restricted, I lose the right to this innate property – my liberty is annulled. Proceeding further on this way you transform free people into slaves, by depriving them of the right to dispose of their own being. Private Property – does it create free men or lead to revolutions and serfdom? weiterlesen
Kategorie: prospects
Ownerless society – from Marx to neoliberalism
Marx wanted it – but neo-liberalism achieved it: societies without property and owners. The term is, however, inherently contradictory. Someone always exercises control over the physical environment, i.e. e. the houses, offices, workshops, factories, even rivers, lakes, and every square meter of forest. In other words, somebody always acts as the owner of property. In this sense, ownerless society is based on illusion. Ownerless society – from Marx to neoliberalism weiterlesen
Donald Trump – the transatlantic ego-trumpet
What happens to a country with some of the best universities worldwide, where many of the most brilliant books about sociology, politics, economics appear, where, in other words, many of the world’s most influential intellectuals are still at home – what happens to such a country when a man becomes president who seems to emerge right from a comics book where he would represent an American-style Obelix, but with an even more pompous self, a man who dares to taunt the scientific community for its alleged ignorance in matters of climate change? Donald Trump – the transatlantic ego-trumpet weiterlesen
Europe’s political madness
Wheat is still wheat, and pigs are pigs – that’s the difference with regard to computers, mobile phones or even cars, where every generation of products is subject to perpetual innovation. In essence, nature has created the pig (once this used to be God’s prerogative), since even the interferences of breeders are still rather limited. The so-called progress of agriculture is therefore almost exclusively due to the fact that pork, wheat, milk, and so on get cheaper. Europe’s political madness weiterlesen
New Fiscalism
Prospects for fiscal action directed against the excessive concentration of income and assets in view of defending and generating common wealth.
This is an abstract summarizing and enlarging the main theses in the last chapter of Wohlstand und Armut, Metropolis, Septembre 2010 (Wealth and Poverty) New Fiscalism weiterlesen