Adam Tooze – An experts’s review of ten years of global economic crisis

Recently (on 14 August) I had the good fortune to follow an interview with the British historian Adam Tooze on Austrian Radio. I was so impressed that I immediately took to reading his book „Crashed. How a Decade of Financial Crises Changed the World“ (Allen Lane 2018) ) – and so an important work finally reached me with a two-year delay. These are my comments:

Adam Tooze – An experts’s review of ten years of global economic crisis weiterlesen

The snow of yesterday is today’s Deluge – Remarks on an amazing book by Daniela Dahn

There are books – and, alas, they make up the vast majority – that one skims over because they offer nothing more than facts that we barely take note of. There are others where each sentence acquires importance because it expresses an attitude, a person’s relationship to the world, and therefore urges the reader to take a stand. I was recently allowed to read one such book, its author is Daniela Dahn. She writes about the injustice that Germany’s Western half has done to the citizens of the East, calling on the West to reflect on its failures. What so much pleases me about this book – even though its theses are anything but pleasant – is its honesty. In times of generalized dishonesty, where arguments mostly serve as weapons in the struggle of parties, this is a refreshing book. Let us listen to the author’s own words.

The snow of yesterday is today’s Deluge – Remarks on an amazing book by Daniela Dahn weiterlesen

The Virus in our Heads

Almost daily I watch one or the other transmission of the Russian-speaking channel 1TVRUS, because I want to know about the mood of our largest neighbor. The English-language programs of RT (Russia Today) are less informative in this respect, because they are geared towards Western expectations. „Vremja pokazhet“ (Time will tell) is aimed at a Russian audience. It’s a talk show that’s louder and wilder than any other I know. Regularly discussants shout down each other, as if the volume of their voices were decisive for the quality of opinions.

The Virus in our Heads weiterlesen

Thymos and Logic – Why we know, yet do not act

Francis Fukuyama, arguably America’s most profound political scientist, enriched our understanding of man and history by an important notion of Greek origin – „thymos“. This term, used extensively by Plato in „The State“, is well suited to illuminate our present situation. The Greek philosopher speaks of thymos to describe a decisive dimension of human action. In his opinion, man does not obey reason alone; in truth, something else is added, namely will, desire, passion, anger, self-assertion – in short, „thymos“. Whoever ignores this driving force hardly understands human behavior. Thymos and Logic – Why we know, yet do not act weiterlesen

Der Thymos und die Logik – warum wir wissen und doch nicht tun

Francis Fukuyama, der allseits gebildete US-amerikanische Politikwissenschaftler, hat in seinem bekannten Buch, „Das Ende der Geschichte“, deren Betrachtung um eine wichtige Vokabel griechischen Ursprungs bereichert – den Thymos. Der Thymos und die Logik – warum wir wissen und doch nicht tun weiterlesen

Did the Nazis have a conscience?

… the existence of a universal human conscience may be demonstrated even on a more elementary level, namely in the vilification of other humans, a practice that has undergone little or no change at all since the beginnings of human history up to the present day. Did the Nazis have a conscience? weiterlesen

Hatten die Nazis ein Gewissen?

… die Existenz eines universalen menschlichen Gewissens lässt sich sogar auf einer noch elementareren Ebene nachweisen, nämlich in der Herabwürdigung anderer Menschen, einer Praxis, an der sich seit den frühesten Anfängen menschlicher Geschichte bis zum heutigen Tag wenig bis gar nichts geändert hat. Hatten die Nazis ein Gewissen? weiterlesen

Hitler, Arendt, Hoffer: Or: The Genius as Proletarian

He could have been a typical representative of the proletariat, for in his life he never got beyond casual work as a harvest worker and longshoreman and, in his youth, had not even been able to attend school. Hitler, Arendt, Hoffer: Or: The Genius as Proletarian weiterlesen

Hitler, Arendt, Hoffer. Oder: Das Genie als Prolet

(Auch erschienen in „Humane Wirtschaft“)

Er hätte ein typischer Vertreter des Proletariats sein können, denn er gelangte in seinem Leben nie über Gelegenheitsarbeiten als Erntehelfer und Hafenarbeiter hinaus und hatte in seiner Jugend nicht einmal die Schule besuchen können. Anders gesagt, hätte Eric Hoffer für Marx ein Paradebeispiel für den Typus Mensch abgeben müssen, dessen Klassenbewusstsein allein durch das Sein bestimmt wird. Hitler, Arendt, Hoffer. Oder: Das Genie als Prolet weiterlesen