The US has deliberately suspended the treaty with Iran only because the new President Trump wanted to undo everything that the old President Obama had left as his legacy. Forced Betrayal – the delusions of European grandeur weiterlesen
Schlagwort: Free Trade
Erzwungener Verrat – die Illusion von europäischer Macht und Größe
Die USA haben den Vertrag mit Iran mutwillig nur deshalb außer Kraft gesetzt, weil der neue Präsident Trump alles rückgängig machen wollte, was der alte Präsident Obama ihm als Erbe hinterlassen hatte. Erzwungener Verrat – die Illusion von europäischer Macht und Größe weiterlesen
Neoliberalism: Death of a pseudo-science
Ten logical objections and empirical arguments against persistently held dogmas in current economics
The principle of neoliberalism may be summarized in the following formula: The best way of guaranteeing a maximum performance for the economy is to keep government entirely out of its sphere. Its role should be confined to ensure the safety of personal property, which it does by using police and justice to this very purpose. Neoliberalism: Death of a pseudo-science weiterlesen