Silly question: Are humans free?

No, the question is only stupid because it is thought to be so. Not long ago leading German neurologists like Roth and Singer considered their fellow men expressis verbis naive, if not downright stupid, if they did not want to recognize that from a scientific point of view – man does not possess freedom of will.*1* Silly question: Are humans free? weiterlesen

Max Weber – Jared Diamond – Joseph Henrich

There are fundamental questions that every human being and probably every people and epoch ask themselves. Who or what am I? Why and how am I different from others? What is it that makes me singular? Max Weber, Jared Diamond, and Joseph Henrich have each asked this question in their own yet very similar ways. Max Weber – Jared Diamond – Joseph Henrich weiterlesen

Max Weber – Jared Diamond – Joseph Henrich

Es gibt grundsätzliche Fragen, die sich jeder Mensch und wohl auch jedes Volk und Epoche stellen. Wer oder was bin ich? Worin besteht meine Eigenart? Warum und wie unterscheide ich mich von den anderen? Max Weber, Jared Diamond und Joseph Henrich haben diese Frage jeder auf seine eigene und doch auf ganz ähnliche Art gestellt. Weber in Die Protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus (1904), Diamond in Guns, Germs and Steel (1997) und Henrich in The WEIRDest People in the World (2019).

Max Weber – Jared Diamond – Joseph Henrich weiterlesen